Fountain Hills Community Center Art Exhibition
Artist/ Owner/ Agent Agreement

I, ___________________ (Name)___________________________(Address)
______________(Phone) hereby conrm that I am the creating Artist, Owner, and/or authorized
Agent for the works of art listed below which are being released for exhibit at the Fountain Hills
Community Center. I understand and acknowledge that while the Management and sta of the
Fountain Hills Community Center will extend reasonable eorts for the security and safe
Keeping of these works, neither the Community Center, its sta nor the Town of Fountain Hills
Accepts any responsibility for such safe keeping, and that it is my responsibility provide
insurance coverage or other protection as I deem appropriate. Along with the Title and size of
each piece listed, I am including a sale price for any items that are oered for sale. In the event
that a sale is transacted, I understand that an Exhibit Charge in the amount of $35.00 will be due
and payable to the Town of Fountain Hills.

Title                                                                     Size                              Price
_____________________________________ ________________      _______
_____________________________________ ________________      ________
_____________________________________ _________________    _________
_____________________________________ ________________      _________

Signed:_______________________________ Receipt Acknowledged___________

Date:_________________________________ by___________________________

Above articles returned to Owner/Agent_________(Date) by_______________________

Received by Signature and Date:_____________________________________________