13th Annual Tour ‘d Artistes March 7-9, 2025 |
All you need to know about the Tour Purpose of the Tour: To raise money for art projects in our local schools. We have made some changes to the application process this year. The actual application is online which will eliminate the need to manually enter the information needed by the different committees. This document will provide all the information you will need about the tour. If you have questions that are not answered here just email or call either Elaine 480-773-8913 elaine@tarrs.com or Lloyd 480-773-8915 lloyd@tarrs.com. You must meet all the deadlines listed in this document and on the online registration form. Please put these dates on your calendar. If you cannot attend, please be sure you inform the chairperson, and ensure someone from your committee and studio is attending. Meetings will be short, concise and informative. • Tuesday, October 8, 2024, application submitted, and the $100 Registration Fee received. Checks for the registration fee should be made out Fountain Hills Art League Tour ‘d Artistes. Mail your registration check to Elaine Tarr, 106680 E. Trevino Dr., Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 • Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at 6 :30 PM at Elaine and Lloyd Tarr’s home, 16608 E. Trevino Dr. All tour participants are expected to attend. • Tuesday, January 14, 2025. All tour participants are expected to attend. Place TBD 6:30 pm. Registration Entry fee is NON-REFUNDABLE and must accompany application. Tour Registration is not complete until the online form has been submitted and the Registration fee received. Your membership fee for the Fountain Art League must be paid also. Studio Information • Studios are to be open from 10am-4pm each day of the tour. No take downs until 4 pm Sunday. Failure to comply may preclude registration in the following tour. • Each studio is responsible for putting up and taking down their signs each day. • All signs provided must be returned at the end of the tour at the TBD announced time and location. • Each studio is responsible for supplying the refreshments and music as you wish. This is totally optional. • Studio raffles are at the discretion of the individual studios. Explanations of how studios have done this successfully in the past will be shared at the ALL-ARTIST meeting Tuesday, October 8, 2024. • The tour committee reserves the right to reject any applicant. Tour Brochure We order 5,000 brochures so you can pick up as many as you can distribute. Brochures may be picked up at Gallagher’s Gallery, 12625 N. Saguaro Blvd. #104. Photos for Press Releases, Web Page and News Paper All photos should be in digital format. For Press Releases and News Paper they should nominally be 4” X 6” at a resolution of 300ppi. For the web page they should be a minimum of 72ppi. If you are not sure about the ppi and if they were taken with a cell phone, they should be the largest size possible. All photos for Press Releases, Social Media, Web Page and News Paper should be submitted to lloyd@tarrs.com with “2025 Tour” in the subject field by October 15th. Tour. $50 Refund You will be eligible for a $50 refund if you do at least one of the following: • Chair or actively work on a committee • Host a studio • Sign up a minimum of two sponsors Please review the tasks listed in Tour Task Details in this document. Volunteers will be assigned to committees on a first come, first filled basis. So, sign up early. Tour Task Committee's Details Registration Process: • Update Registration as needed for the next tour • Collect registration check, record names and give check to the tour treasurer • Verify that artist has a Fountain Hills business license and an AZ TPT number • Assign artists to a studio and publish the Studio and Artists list. Recruiting Sponsors: • Chair of this committee to develop list of who is asking which companies, so we don’t duplicate effort • Update and make sponsor packets • Collect the $100 checks, make a list of the sponsors and send the checks to the tour treasure • Provide a list of people who got two or more sponsors (qualify for refund) • Encourage people who got sponsors to get brochures to the sponsors they got. • Remind those who got sponsors to send them thank you to their sponsors. Signage • Ensure we have enough signs and frames for all studios. 4 signs for street placement • Announce time and place for sign pick up before the tour and drop off place and time after the tour. Coordinate with Packet Committee Chair
Packets Create information packets for each studio with the following information: o Attendance tally sheetsPress Releases o Each artist will be asked to submit high quality pictures of their artwork for use in press releases. Newspaper Articles o Write 3 to 4 articles about the tour artists at the different studios. Create Brochure o Put the Tour Brochure together. Brochure Distribution o Get the brochures out to the public. Assign people to one of the following groups: Website o Design or update and load the Tour d’ Artistes website Social Media o Set up and manage the Facebook and Instagram sites. Newspaper Ads o Work with the FH Times to get ads in the paper for the tour – coordinate with FHAL contact. Grant Committee o Work with schools located in Fountain Hill to make them aware of grants given by the Art League Tour ’d Artistes. |